Bars“Peppy’s” 1, P.R.Slaveikov square Phone: 603 041 “Tequila” 30, S.Stambolov str. Phone: 0888 602 659 “Teona” 2, A.Batemberg str. Phone: 605 090 “Pegasos” 4, T.Tarnovski str. “Bacardi” 29, S.Stambolov str. Phone: 0897 723 071 Clubs“Scream” 17, Nezavisimost str. Phone: 0896 671 500 “Joy” 15, V.Levski str. Phone: 604 538 “Deep” 33, Nezavisimost str. Phone: 0888 321 645 “Bali” 2, H.Botev str. Phone: 636 865 “Max” 14, T.Balina str. Phone: 642 806 “Organza” 3, Krakov str. Phone... Dance club ScreamDance club “Scream” Veliko Tarnovo 17, Nezavisimost Str. gsm: +359 887 394 468 Dance club scream is situated in the very heart of Veliko Tarnovo, in the same building as EGO pizza & grill, on the floor below. It is the favorite place of young people having fun and dancing all night or just meeting interesting people. The latest music hits, uplifting beats and variety of s... Dance club BallyDance club Bally Address: Veliko Tarnovo 2 Hristo Botev Str. gsm: +359 885 585 666 e-mail: site: Disco Club OrganzaDisco Club Organza Address: Veliko Tarnovo Krakov Str. (Vasil LevskiSports Hall) tel.: +359 888 134 752 е-mail: JackJack Address: Veliko Tarnovo 4 Vasil Levski Str., above the theatre e-mail: Dekolte ClubDekolte Club Address: Veliko Tarnovo 2 Centre Sq. tel.: +359 897 976 362 Spider clubSpider club Address: Veliko Tarnovo 15 Hristo Botev Str. tel.: +359 886 619 379 Music-Bar & Cafe DEEP CLUBMusic-Bar & Cafe "DEEP CLUB" Veliko Tarnovo 33 Nezavisimost Str. tel.. +359 62 649 826, gsm: +359 897 938 266 Bar & Disco Bakardi clubBar & Disco "Bakardi Club" Address: Veliko Tarnovo 29 Stefan Stambolov Str. opposite the Old Post Office gsm: +359 887 510 811 gsm: +359 889 116 939 e-mail: Club MOVIECAFEClub MOVIECAFE Address: Veliko Tarnovo 1 Arch. Georgi Kozarov Str. tel.: 062 605 734 gsm: 0877 520 470 Versache ClubVersache Club Address: Veliko Tarnovo Vasl Levski Sports Hall 3 Krakov Str. gsm: +359 889 988 866 Snack-bar H. BogartSnack-bar H. Bogart Address: Veliko Tarnovo 3 Hristo Botev Str. tel.: +359 62 604 133 e-mail: Coctail Bar Formula 1Coctail Bar Formula 1 Address: Veliko Tarnovo in the building of The Theatre "Konstantin Kisimov" email: |